
Cum sociis Theme natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturie montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Curabitur ullamcorper id ultricies nisi.

1-677-124-44227 184 Main Collins Street, West Victoria 8007 Mon - Sat 8.00 - 18.00, Sunday CLOSED
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Limitless Strength &


Welcome to Limitless, where exceptional personal training and online coaching services are our specialty. Our leading coaches Juanita and Joel are committed to helping you achieve whatever goal you have. Juanita expertise lies in strength training, muscle building, weight loss and body recomposition (toning) with a passion for adventure including hiking and diving, Juanita brings a dynamic approach to her coaching. Joel is a specialist in strength training, muscle building, conditioning, and pad work. Joel thrives on pushing boundaries, conquering challenges, and scaling high peak mountains, all while incorporating ice baths and wellness techniques into his regimen. At Limitless, we go above and beyond to provide unparalleled service, ensuring affordability without compromising on quality. Our commitment to giving our clients 100% sets us apart, making us your ultimate partner in fitness and wellness.

Join us for quality attention in our smaller group PT classes. Your first class is just $10, and if you bring a friend, you’ll get a free class! πŸŽ‰ Join us on Mondays & Fridays from April 8th for workouts that are both effective and affordable!

Embark on your journey towards progress with the power of progressive overload training techniques, meticulously honed and perfected over a 15-year career rooted in real-world training experience. These techniques have been embraced by professional bodybuilders and strength athletes, and now they can be the driving force behind your own fitness transformation. It's time to unlock your full potential and reach new heights in your strength and physique goals with our expert guidance.

Limitless Strength & Fitness

Why Choose Limitless Strength & Fitness?

Our coaches are true experts in the realms of strength and muscle gain. With a solid foundation of knowledge acquired through 15 years of real-world practice and application, we are well-equipped to guide you on your journey towards achieving your strength and muscle-building goals.

Fully certified and qualified experts in training and nutrition.

We make diet plans unique to every individual and their goals.

All our programs are tailored specifically to the individuals goals and needs.

We live and breath this lifestyle and we will keep you motivated and accountable.